Monday, October 17, 2016

wonkette comment of the day: anti-trump conspiracists

I may have missed a few, but I think this is the current list of anti-Trump conspiracists:

1) Hillary. Obviously.
2) Obama
3) Mexicans
4) Sort of Mexicans
5) The Democrats
6) The Republicans
7) Paul Ryan, specifically
8) The “establishment”
9) Fire Marshalls
10) The Media
11) The New York Times, specifically
12) CNN, specifically
13) International bankers (cough, Jews, cough)
14) Microphones
15) Teleprompters
16) The Presidential Debate Commission
17) “Other communities”
18) Polls
19) Polling Places
20) Saturday Night Live
21) Voters
22) Carlos Slim
23) That bitch Marla
24) Women, especially those lying sluts who say Donald sexually assaulted them
- Wonkette commenter 'AngryKatie' 

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