Four months after a presidential election, reports from Honduras suggest the Obama administration remains obsessed with repairing its foreign-policy image by regaining the upper hand. The display of raw colonialist hubris is so pronounced that locals now refer to U.S. ambassador Hugo Llorens as "the proconsul."
Washington's bullying is two-pronged. First is a maniacal determination to punish those involved in removing Mr. Zelaya. Second is an attempt to force Honduras to allow Mr. Zelaya, who now lives in the Dominican Republic, to return without facing any repercussions for the illegal actions that provoked his removal. Both goals are damaging the bilateral relationship, polarizing the nation and raising the risk of a resurgence of political violence.
- Mary Anastasia O'Grady,
Full Article
Proconsul Ambassador Lloren's
response to O'Grady.
Miguel Estrada's response to Llorens:
"A shameful tenure."
This little "exchange" had slipped by me. It is very revealing and speaks volumes. It begs the following question:
Why does the Obama administration appear to be 'falling in line' with the Hugo Chavez agenda when it comes to Honduras? We are talking about the Hugo Chavez who is closely aligning himself with Iran, a dangerous, unpredictable, and bitter enemy of the United States. Is it naiveté? (I seriously doubt there is any
naiveté in the Clinton State Department.) Is it all a "show" for the benefit of the "diplomatic community" while the real U.S. agenda is being carried out behind the scenes? Or is it — and please pardon the conspiracy theorist angle — something more sinister? Whatever is going on, after it's all said and done, I hope it's
change the Honduran people can believe in. We have been staunch allies of the American people. We deserve no less.
People blame the President, BP, shareholders for being greedy. I blame the very citizens who seem to be pointing fingers at everyone else but themselves. People conveniently drive huge gas guzzling SUVs and trucks and then expect cheap gas to automatically reach the pumps. What a bunch of hypocrites.
What prompted BP and the rest of the oil gang to dig oil wells one mile below the ocean without having any idea on how to put out a leak if an accident happens? The government needed American votes for cheap gas so they did not ask the right questions. BP wanted to make money. And the people wanted dirt cheap gas to fuel their huge overweight behinds.