Wednesday, January 11, 2012

when you withdraw

When you withdraw from me, I'll withdraw from you
I'll distance myself from me so you will never know how I feel
I'll suffer and feel lonely
I'll blame you for not meeting my needs
I'll be secretly angry at you

When you withdraw from me
I'll remember all the times you have hurt me in the past
I'll wonder if anything will ever work between us
I'll mistrust what you say and judge what you do
I'll doubt ever wanting to be with you

When you withdraw from me I don't know what to do
I want to keep my love
I want to be close to myself and to you
I want to feel compassion
But, I just don't know what to do

When you withdraw from me, I'll withdraw from you
-Menachem Tabanpour

Menachem (pronounced Meh-nah-hem) is an amazing young man I've met here at Esalen. What bright light shines from this angel! I aspire to be like Menachem as I become more and more Truly Alive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice poem