Sunday, June 10, 2012


Following through on our stated goal of making Paya Bay a zero impact resort, we've been accepting proposals from various energy consultants for a more eco-friendly electricity solution that incorporates wind and/or solar power. We currently purchase 100% of our electricity from the island's utility company, which uses hyper-dirty (and increasingly expensive) fossil fuels -- primarily diesel -- to generate the energy it sells. The latest alternative energy proposal we've received quotes US$70,000 for a system purported to generate sufficient wind energy to cover, on average, 65% percent of the resort's current energy needs. For a small business, a price tag of $70K on anything is pretty daunting, particularly if the investment being considered is only a fractional solution to the problem. There's always a way, though. When there's a will. We must carefully consider these things, be creative, and take action now for our planet, the animals, and future generations of our species.

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