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Friday, March 1, 2013
bottled water: "the new social poison"
Some 400,000 barrels of oil annually are used to manufacture the plastic that goes
into the bottles that slake Australia's
thirst for bottled water. In a 600ml
plastic bottle, 200ml of oil has gone
into its production. Imagine your water
bottle filled a quarter of the way up
with oil. That’s about how much oil
was needed to produce the bottle.
For every 6 water bottles used only 1
or 2 gets recycled, the rest are sent to
landfills or end up as trash on land, in
rivers, lakes, estuaries and the ocean,
taking many hundreds of years to
disintegrate. After a yacht captain
stumbled across the Great Pacific
Garbage Patch in the late 1990s,
scientists soon began finding similar
patches of plastic waste in oceans Oceanic gyres (aka garbage patches).round the world. They've since
identified at least five, each fed by
currents that carry plastic bags, bottles
and other trash into vast vortices of
seawater known as gyres. Since most
plastic isn't biodegradable, this trash
keeps swirling around for years, often
crumbling into smaller pieces but
refusing to fully break down. Much like
carbon dioxide emissions — which linger stubbornly in the sky as they fuel climate
change — garbage patches have come to symbolize the effects of man-made pollution
run amok.
And now, thanks to a new study by Australian scientists, we have a clearer
picture of just how amok all this pelagic plastic really is. "These patches are not going
away," says lead author Erik van Sebille, an oceanographer at the University of New
South Wales, in a video statement about the study. "The garbage patches will stay there
for at least the next thousand years." "Plastic is also the canary in the coal mine," he
adds. "Poisonous chemicals, [which] are much more hazardous to the ecology, ride the
currents in the same way and are actually absorbed by the plastic pellets.” Chemicals
in the bottles themselves may leach into the water. For example, why do plastic water
bottles have a ‘Used by date’? Water does not go off in rivers and lakes or in our taps so
why does it have a used by date? Because plastic water bottles contain toxins that
leach into the water, contaminating it and also affecting the taste. It’s that plastic taste
you get occasionally. These toxins are several but the big one is Bisphenol A (BPA).
There are more and more studies these days on this toxin and it has been linked to
breast cancer, ADHD, autism, OBESITY, endocrine disorders. It is even nick-named
the “second generation toxin”, because it’s our offspring who are exponentially harmed.
Because plastic consumed during pregnancy is a major issue. Heating kids drinks and
food in plastic just adds to the issue.
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