Monday, November 16, 2009

why Americans were so ecstatic about Tegucigalpa-San jose

A few posts back I made an observation about how extremely happy usually stoic American diplomats seemed to be about Zelaya's signing of the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accord. At the time I attributed it to American bravado. While there was probably some of that on display, as the days have gone by another reason for this American revelry is becoming clearer.

In the chess game that is international diplomacy, the Americans pulled a fast one on Hugo Chavez. They got Chavez's puppet, Manuel Zelaya, to sign an agreement that has no requirement to reinstate him in power. While Americans can continue to make flowery, politically-correct statements like "We think Zelaya should be reinstated," the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accord has no provision to automatically provide for this reinstatement.  It leaves the decision of Zelaya's reinstatement or not to the Honduran Congress. Even in the remote chance the National Congress were to approve Zelaya's reinstatement, any citizen can appeal that decision on constitutional grounds to the Supreme Court, delaying a reinstatement for the time it would take the legal process to run its course.  The odds that a Supreme Court that ruled unanimously to remove Zelaya from power would make a 180 degree turn and rule to reinstate him are virtually nil. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking, the elections will be held, and Zelaya becomes ever more irrelevant with each passing day in his Brazilian rat nest. As a good friend of mine from Atlanta would say, "Stick a fork in Zelaya. He's done."

Brilliant stuff. This causes one to take a fresh new look at Hillary Clinton's State Department. Combined with the recent signing of the base-sharing agreement with Colombia, one can see that the United States is on the offensive against Hugo Chavez.  I would say the Venezuelan tyrant's days are numbered, and he knows it.

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