While the Honduran Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (
SERNA) sleeps, the reefs of Eastern Roatan continue to be plundered by poor local fishermen harvesting lobster and large meat fish (primarily groupers and snappers). The short-sightedness of the Honduran government is mind-boggling! To this day, Tegucigalpa still has not declared Roatan's barrier reef a national marine park, and found alternative ways for these fishermen to make a living. The coral reefs of the Bay Islands, along with the Copan Mayan Ruins, are arguably the two most important assets this country has! How - HOW - can you let it be destroyed, you idiots? This spectacular resource belongs not only to Hondurans but to the world. I've decided to not let another day go by without pushing to get every square inch of our reefs protected. Please stay tuned!
[to be accurate, a portion of the reef on the West End of the island is being protected by an

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