Friday, April 29, 2016

unique tropical experience

Dear Davinci,
Paradise ended when we left Paya Bay Resort. Paul and I talked about how different Paya Bay is from the other resorts. Even staying at Infinity Bay [West Bay, Roatan] where they have all the amenities, this resort doesn’t even come close to the unique tropical experience Paya Bay offers to its guests. Thank you for everything you have done. As long time guests, Paul and I truly appreciate your hard work and creativity. Keep up the good vibes as well as your always cheerful spirit. It certainly is contagious!!!
Warmest Regards,
Noemi and Paul
Special guests Noemi and Paul have been repeat clients of our family business since circa 1995. They sent me this note after their most recent stay with us. Their current visit to Roatan is concluding with a three-day stint in West Bay, where Paul will be attending a business conference being held at one of the big resorts on the other, more developed end of the island. It's so nice to get these warm, sincere, unsolicited "pats on the back" from people who have supported my family's enterprise since the very beginning. I'm so grateful for your solidarity, my friends. Namaste.

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