Friday, March 31, 2017

I-85 bridge collapse In atlanta

I drove this section of the I-85 expressway to and from work every weekday when I lived in Atlanta. I was one of the 200,000 commuters (plus another 50,000 intrastate and interstate drivers) who use it pretty much daily. It's mind-boggling to think one of the busiest stretches of interstate highway in the U.S. (in the heart of one of its largest, most-vibrant cities) will be closed for MONTHS while it is repaired. I feel the pain of the residents of my former home city who will have to deal with a horrid traffic nightmare this spring and (maybe) summer. Oy vey!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

absolute tranquility

We just added new hammocks to this spectacular chillout station on the leeward side of the property.

Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

spot the black iguana

These special creatures are as unique as Roatan, the island on which they evolved to become their own distinct, scientifically-recognized species. Paya Bay remains a refuge and sanctuary for these gentle reptiles which seem to lack the inherent fear of humans observed in most wild animals. The iguanas will sometimes approach people for food, and will tolerate us getting very close to them as long as one approaches slowly, calmly, and without sudden movements. As a juxtaposition and comparison, they will immediately scatter at the first sight of a dog. Seems fear of long, bared fangs is encoded in their DNA (as it is in the more primitive sections of our own genetic code).

Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.

Friday, March 17, 2017

sun-dried linens

When the weather allows we sun dry our bed linens to save energy and have greener operations.

Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.

flying a groovy kite

The other day I spotted guests flying their kite from the main wooden deck. The tradewinds that cool the Bay Islands are perfect for kite flying. Their kite's design was straight out of the 60s! One of my favorite decades I didn't live.

Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

roatan cowboys and cowgal

This afternoon I ran into my cousin Lenny McNab (C) and his daughter Yaneri (R) riding their horses with a buddy on a rural island road near Paya. Lenny has loved horses since we were kids growing up and going to school together. Yaneri has inherited this love of animals. She's currently studying veterinary medicine in Costa Rica.

Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

ready, set, sweat: the new trx station on bliss beach

Accomplishing a 2017 goal, we recently installed TRX equipment under a shady, ancient sea grape tree on the western side of Bliss Beach. "Born in the Navy SEALs, Suspension Training bodyweight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously." This new exercise station is part of our ongoing efforts to provide fitness and wellness options at Paya Bay. I've personally observed amazing results from people who do TRX training. The station includes a board with detailed instructions and getting started routines (there are also smartphone apps -- of course! -- one can download to assist with learning to use the exercise system). It's hard to imagine a more gorgeous space to exercise one's body and build core strength than clothing optional/mostly naturist Bliss! In these photos, Josue, a Team Paya member, gives the new straps a tryout. Ready, set, sweat!

bliss beach, fitness, paya bay resort, suspension training, trx, trx station, wellness, what's new, clothing optional, mostly naturist

bliss beach, fitness, paya bay resort, suspension training, trx, trx station, wellness, what's new, clothing optional, mostly naturist

bliss beach, fitness, paya bay resort, suspension training, trx, trx station, wellness, what's new, clothing optional, mostly naturist

bliss beach, fitness, paya bay resort, suspension training, trx, trx station, wellness, what's new, clothing optional, mostly naturist

bliss beach, fitness, paya bay resort, suspension training, trx, trx station, wellness, what's new, clothing optional, mostly naturist

Special thanks to VIP Paya Clients (and dear friends) Susan and Richard for their First World to Third World (FiWo-ThiWo :-) delivery services that played a vital role in helping us bring this project to fruition!

Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.

Friday, March 3, 2017

been travelin'

Been traveling on the Honduran mainland the last several days.

My business trip started in the Tegucigalpa, the Honduran capital city...

...and concluded in San Pedro Sula, the country's Second City and industrial hub.