Honduran daily La Prensa wrote recently that "in the first six months of this year, 14 planes, most with Venezuelan registration, entered Honduras. Some of them were incinerated after releasing thousands of kilos of cocaine or suspected packages of dollars."
For the last three weeks there have been no more reports of these aircraft.
Today, the Union of Democratic Organizations of America, UnoAmérica, issued a statement warning the government of the United States, the U.S. ambassador in Honduras, Hugo Llorens, and the president of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, that their insistence on the return of the Zelaya power would further the interests of drug trafficking in the region.
According UnoAmérica, Zelaya not only attempted to sack the Honduran Constitution, the reason for which he was lawfully ousted, but during his tenure, Honduras was becoming a narco-state. "It is no coincidence that Zelaya has promoted the advancement of drug trafficking, because all the other members of the ALBA have done so," says the UnoAmérica communique.
Source: La Prensa.
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