Tuesday, July 21, 2009

who said it had to be "by the book"

Why then the turning of the proverbial back on Honduras, a nation who in following their laws, were forced to force their power-hungry, over-reaching leader out of office and the country? Why publicly side with the likes of Chavez and the Castros, especially when they are so clearly wrong and manipulating the rhetoric of democracy to condemn a people brave enough to stand up to their brand of political thuggery and strong-arming?

The process of removing threats to liberty is not always pleasant, and certainly offers no comfort to the weak-of-heart. But when has it ever been easy to maintain freedom even in a free country like our own? Who said it had to be "by the book" when bad people are opposed and prevented from dominating others? When we remain silent, evil triumphs. Hugo Chavez won't stop trying to implement disciples of his socialist totalitarianism in countries in Central and South America. Consequently, we must never stop promoting and supporting those who oppose such soul-crushing authoritarianism, even if only with words. Just because we can't send troops doesn't mean we can't help change the course of history for other freedom-loving people.

- R.J. Moeller, U.S. conservative

Honduras's democracy was in imminent danger when the Supreme Court acted, ordering the military to arrest Manuel Zelaya. The authorities had given Zelaya multiple warnings and every opportunity to abort his attempt on the Constitution, but he continued to forge ahead with it anyway. In fact, at the last minute he changed the rules of the game by publishing an executive decree calling the poll a "call to constituent assembly." Zelaya was playing the game from the Hugo Chavez playbook. That very Sunday night, June 28, he was going to call a constituent assembly, dissolving Congress and dismissing the Supreme Court. The revolting part is that he was going to do all this without authentic approval from the Honduran people. Don't believe me? Read this.

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