Saturday, June 28, 2008


Today is day one of two days at ExpoVacaciones in San Salvador. The Paya Bay booth has been getting quite a bit of attention!

Friday, June 27, 2008

lucy and davinci's excellent adventure

Today we're in Tegucigalpa heading to San Salvador for ExpoVacaciones, a regional tourism fair. It's the first time either of us has done a road trip in Central America, so that is exciting. I'll 'live blog' about our trip as it unfolds.

View of Tegucigalpa from our hotel room.

Monday, June 23, 2008

wild flowers

As you walk around the Paya Bay grounds make sure you look up at the trees. You may be surprised with a display of beautiful, exotic tropical flowers. Different species flower at different times of the year.

seafood paella night

Monday nights are Seafood Paella Nights at Paya. We make a make a big table and invite all our guests to all sit together 'family style.' The idea is to encourage 'breaking the ice' and getting everyone introduced to eachother. We've seen people who meet this way become fast friends as the week unfolds.

hermit crab

We have thousands of these cute little fellows around the property (they prefer rocky areas). The range in size from 3cm to 10 cm. Very shy, they retreat into their shells when they hear footsteps nearby. However, they are also quite feisty. Pick one up and it will emerge from its shell to 'fight' you.

photo of the day

Guests relax on Lil Bay Beach

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I feel like I've arrived in heaven!

- A guest, this afternoon

What could we possibly say to that one?

quotable quote

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
- John Heywood

Friday, June 20, 2008

the zen of pigeon cay

Can it possibly get any better? This beautiful cay with its incredible water is an hour and a half boat ride from Paya Bay (all inside the barrier reef). It's a great day trip while vacationing at Paya Bay. During naturist weeks we take a naturist excursion to the cay. Honeymooners and anniversary celebrators can be dropped off on the cay and have it to themselves for a few hours to do the honeymoon thang while the boat driver hangs out at nearby Barbaretta Island.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Dozens of these tiny, beautiful birds visit our feeders everyday. They are fascinating to watch.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

quotable quote

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved expect by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.

- Bruce Barton

logo concept

We're working on a new marketing campaign for the resort. Here's a logo concept we're considering. The stone head is from the Paya Indian culture. Note the 'third eye' symbolism that is very common in Payan art. The Payas were the inhabitants of Roatan and its sister islands when Columbus arrived. The resort is named after this now lost culture that left behind its pottery, its jewelry, its mystery, and its energy.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

quote of the day

Allow yourself to trust joy and embrace it. You will find you dance with everything.

- Emerson

A beautiful thought.

the paya trail

This new trail which runs from the rooms area to Lil Bay Beach will be the 'expressway' of Paya Bay. Wide, flat, and relatively straight, this path will make getting to the various areas of the property quick and easy. It replaces the 'ridge top trail' which is being discontinued to prepare the ridge top area (with its great views of the ocean) for new cabins that are on the drawing board. The beautiful surroundings of our many paths contributes to you getting good nature at Paya Bay.

Our growing network of trails and paths.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

sandcrab hunt

At first, Nova observes her buddy, Lucky, attempting to dig out the sandcrabs...

...then she joins the fun! The joys of having a sense of smell a thousand times more powerful than humans.

summer watermelons

Don Nesto, our gardener, is growing organic watermelons and cantaloupes for the resort's restaurant. Apparently the vines love the sandy soil behind Big Beach. Had some of his cantaloupes yesterday. Sweet as honey!

Friday, June 6, 2008

new awareness

The thing about naturism: the more you practice it, the more you realize just how hot, constricting, and bothersome clothes truly are. I say ditch 'em already!

photo of the day

Guests taking a stroll on Big Beach.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

true love

Someone recently asked me the following: "What is true love and how do you allow yourself to have it once you've found the opportunity?"

These are two great questions, and, to be honest, I'm still seeking more understanding and more Universal guidance for both. I'll share with you what I understand so far, tho.

What is true love?

IMHO, you know you are experiencing true love when you can love the ugly. In other words, when you are able to witness the ugliest, most unattractive, most repelling aspects of the object of your affection and still love him or her anyway. The nice, beautiful, attractive parts are easy to love, but when you can love the ugly that's when the Universe delivers the elusive prize. And, trust me, every single one of us has our not-so-attractive parts. That perfect person so many of us seek is an illusion.

How do you allow yourself to have it once you've found the opportunity?

(a) You have to be ready when the opportunity presents itself. It's said that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. To be prepared for true love you have to truly love yourself first. When you love yourself and who you are 100% and unconditionally that's when you can potentially have a blissful relationship with another person (who, hopefully, also truly loves him/herself).
(b) You have to focus on what you like about the person. The more you focus on what you like about him/her, the more you'll get what you like. Conversely, if you start focusing on what you don't like, you'll get more of what you don't like (and the downward spiral will accelerate from there).
(c) You have to be wary of the opinions of friends/family/co-workers/society/etc. They are not in the relationship -- you are. They won't be there to snuggle with you after their opinions/pressure/selfishness have derailed your relationship.

Do you know The Secret?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

photo of the day

View from the ramp leading up to the main deck

quotable quote

You learn that whatever you are doing in life, obstacles don't matter very much. Pain or other circumstances can be there, but if you want to do a job bad enough, you'll find a way to get it done.

- Jack Youngblood

There's a quote similar to this one that I also really like: "Obstacles are those ugly things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." The lesson here: Declare your greater good and start moving towards it. Believe that it is already yours. The HOW it will be delivered to you is the domain of the Universe. Always and only focus on the end result. Believe that every circumstance that comes into your reality is the Universe finding the easiest, most simple way to deliver what you've requested.

Discover The Secret.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

oak ridge, a.k.a "roatan's venice"

The colorful, picturesque and absolutely charming town of Oak Ridge is located diagonally across the island from Paya Bay. The drive is approximately 10 km (6 miles) and takes about 15 minutes. Oak Ridge is called Roatan's "Venice" because it's built on canals, cays, and landfill. Many homes are built right along the water's edge and sometimes right in the water on stilts. Many people have small boats with outboard engines to get around town. A water taxi tour of this town and the mangrove canals is a cultural experience. [Photo credit: Robert Fullerton]

sante yoga

This morning Lucy and I went to the Sante Wellness Center for a yoga. It had been a while since I last did yoga (not since I left Atlanta over a year ago) and today's session was a great reminder of what an amazing practice it is. Yoga classes are definitely in Paya Bay's future. Lucy and I are already putting our heads together to figure out how to make it happen sooner rather than later. We already have an iMeditation program going. This is but the beginning of what will be an increasing inclusion of wellness, spirituality and inner growth options here at Paya.