Davinci, you guys have the most beautiful place on Roatan. All the other resorts -- even the multimillion dollar developments with their artificial waterfalls and lagoon pools -- are trying to look like you. They are all trying to be like Paya Bay, but you already have it, you are already at the top. You ARE the top. Look at this!- an extremely nice, spontaneous compliment from my friend, Chris Benson, who visited today with his girlfriend and her mom. Chris owns and runs Tranquil Seas Eco-Lodge in Roatan's Sandy Bay
"I'm happy and grateful now that our amazing Paya Bay is the most beautiful, most blissful, most environmentally friendly, and most financially successful boutique resort in Central America."
Thursday, September 26, 2013
quote of the day
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
yoga retreat and vacation
March 9-16, 2014. Please contact Dailey Reflexology directly to book.
Learn more about yoga at Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
interesting perspective
Why would a "loving" god create a world of such suffering? God did not just create mankind, it created the animal world as well. And it is only in the last hundred years or so has mankind been able to mitigate the worst of suffering. And man has existed for at least 150 thousand years. Thanks god!- Response from reader "oldman" to this telegraph.co.uk article.
Almost all animals die screaming in fear and agony. They know fear and suffering just as humans do, but they do not aspire to heaven.
But it is worse than that. Religion - Jewish and Muslim - requires that animals - even those bred to die - die screaming in fear and agony as ordained by the god-thing. Halal and kosher meat has to come from animals slaugtered slowly and painfully. Again, what kind of god wants that? What kind of decent human being wants that?
photo of the day
Bliss Beach as it can be appreciated from the resort's main deck. Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Monday, September 23, 2013
make it your life commitment
Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful.- lessons from The Secret
Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life.
quote of the day
I've traveled all over the world, but I've never been to any place that is as special as it is beautiful as Paya Bay. I didn't even know places like this existed!- Martin, a special guest from Poland who discovered Paya yesterday
Sunday, September 22, 2013
could it finally happen?
Is the main road here in Roatan's East End about to be paved? We've heard rumors that it will be, but we've heard rumors of this type countless times in the past and nothing ever happened. However, this time heavy equipment that sure looks like asphalt-making machinery (including a tank of tar) was recently set up on the roadside near the gravel quarry. Maybe this long overdue infrastructure project will finally come to fruition. Yay!
Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
have the courage
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.- Steve Jobs
Saturday, September 21, 2013
snorkeling pigeon cay
Located about an hour's boat ride from Paya Bay Resort, Pigeon Cay offers some of the best snorkeling in the Caribbean. Paya offers a weekly excursion to this gorgeous cay. Learn more.
Map image courtesy of Google Earth.
beautiful and soothing
Even the manner in which aloes bloom is soothing to the soul. Thank you, Ms. Lisa, for these gorgeous, happy plants!
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
revisiting 2009 - power, dynasty and cojones?
Is Honduras the Jews vs. Arabs "Middle East of the Americas"?
Floating placidly in the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea some 40 miles off the country's north coast, culturally-distinct Roatan and the other Bay Islands of Honduras are largely immune to the endemic governmental corruption, semi-failed-state-ness, unnerving political and judicial instability, grinding narco-criminality, and dismaying societal disfunction (the "gift that keeps giving," courtesy of a pervasive, culturally-imposed, largely unquestioned, pernicious religious dogma) our fellow countrymen on Mainland Honduras too often find themselves -- heartbreakingly -- immersed in.
Fortunately, risk-averse travelers who wish to visit the Bay Islands can easily avoid the sometimes anxiety-triggering mainland experience altogether. Direct, non-stop flights to Roatan's International Airport (RTB) from various international gateways (Houston, Atlanta, Miami, San Salvador, Milan, Toronto, etc.) make travel to the Bay Islands very similar to visiting any other politically-stable, tranquil, secure, tourist-friendly Caribbean destination.
Bound as we are to "Continental Honduras" by historic events, and -- more recently -- by brotherly love and patriotic solidarity, we Bay Islanders always keep our terra firma compatriots in our thoughts, wishing them peace, tranquility, security, and the associated superior quality of life and relative prosperity we are so fortunate to enjoy here in these truly special, exceptionally beautiful Bay Islands of Honduras.
There are two competing narratives out there about the [2009] Honduras coup, and everything I have ever learned about Latin America tells me that both of them are unbelievable.Read more.
Narrative A--let's call it the "epiphany narrative", is being promulgated by U.S. lefties like Al Giordano and Caracas-based Chavez-ista Eva Golinger. In this version, Manuel Zelaya, scion of landed aristocracy, runs for President of Honduras on a center-right platform, and wins. Halfway into his term, overwhelmed by the injustice and poverty he now realizes exist in Honduras, he turns his back on his class origins, becomes a populist, allies with Hugo Chavez. Soon the military (backed, of course, by unnamed powerful oligarchs [of primarily Palestinian origin] and the CIA) kidnaps the brave new populist in a vicious coup d'etat.
Narrative B--let's call it the "pajama democracy narrative" comes from the right, and it's even more incredible. In this one, Zelaya is a foaming, power-hungry leftist who falls under the thrall of Hugo Chavez, then tries to force a referendum in order to ensure he can be President for as long as he likes. The legislature and supreme court, horrified by this flaunting of Honduran law, pass a resolution to oust Zelaya for his illegal acts, then unleash some S.O.A.-trained generals to keep Honduras safe for democracy. They uphold the rule of law by grabbing the pajama-clad president in the middle of the night and flying him to Costa Rica.
Neither of these narratives works for me.
So what's really going on in Honduras?
Floating placidly in the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea some 40 miles off the country's north coast, culturally-distinct Roatan and the other Bay Islands of Honduras are largely immune to the endemic governmental corruption, semi-failed-state-ness, unnerving political and judicial instability, grinding narco-criminality, and dismaying societal disfunction (the "gift that keeps giving," courtesy of a pervasive, culturally-imposed, largely unquestioned, pernicious religious dogma) our fellow countrymen on Mainland Honduras too often find themselves -- heartbreakingly -- immersed in.
Fortunately, risk-averse travelers who wish to visit the Bay Islands can easily avoid the sometimes anxiety-triggering mainland experience altogether. Direct, non-stop flights to Roatan's International Airport (RTB) from various international gateways (Houston, Atlanta, Miami, San Salvador, Milan, Toronto, etc.) make travel to the Bay Islands very similar to visiting any other politically-stable, tranquil, secure, tourist-friendly Caribbean destination.
Bound as we are to "Continental Honduras" by historic events, and -- more recently -- by brotherly love and patriotic solidarity, we Bay Islanders always keep our terra firma compatriots in our thoughts, wishing them peace, tranquility, security, and the associated superior quality of life and relative prosperity we are so fortunate to enjoy here in these truly special, exceptionally beautiful Bay Islands of Honduras.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
missing ms. lisa
We are all missing our South African friend, Lisa, who is currently visiting her homeland.
Lisa at Paya Bay.
select the illusion
We must select the illusion which appeals to our temperament, and embrace it with passion, if we want to be happy.- Cyril Connolly
Monday, September 16, 2013
yoga retreat and vacation
March 9-16, 2014. Please contact Dailey Reflexology directly to book.
Learn more about yoga at Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
kitesurfing paya bay
Marilou Lavallée and Chris Burg have established a seasonal kitesurfing operation on Roatan's East End. Here, Chris displays his amazing kitesurfing abilities off the Big Beach at Paya Bay.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
trusting in the good
Faith is trusting in the good.- lessons from The Secret
Fear is putting your trust in the bad.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
walking the paya trail
Walking the Paya Trail with Miss Thelma. The Paya Trail is one of several beautiful, tropical footpaths that make up a network of nature trails to be discovered and enjoyed at Paya Bay. A conscious walk in nature always grounds you and allows your 'spirit person' (your true self, really) to emerge, spread its wings, and cheerfully flitter about. When this occurs, the healing of your deepest wounds begins (or continues, as the case may be). With its abundant and cherished nature, Paya Bay is a place of healing and upward spiritual expansion.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
a wonderful gift
A wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expect.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie, author
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
update: the black iguana
The stonework on the mezzanine deck has been completed. The Black Iguana beach bar continues to materialize beautifully on Paya Bay's Bliss Beach!
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
give thanks continuously
Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
seek the power within
No person or power in the outside world can compare to the power you have within you. Seek the power within, as it knows the perfect way for you.- lessons from The Secret
Sunday, September 8, 2013
down by the seashore
There's nothing like rocky seashore and tide pools to bring out our inner kid. Special guests Patty, Nicole, Jason, and Carlos explore the rugged shore down from the main deck.
"Miss Thelma" poses cutely in the last photo. Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
"Miss Thelma" poses cutely in the last photo. Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
farmer earl's garden
Since he and Mom moved to their new home, my father, Earl Mervin McNab, has started a sizable fruit and vegetable garden in their expansive new backyard. Mom has christened it "Farmer Earl's Garden." So far, Dad has harvested tomatoes, okra, green beans, eggplants, squash, radishes, and hot peppers. Right now the papaya and guava trees are loaded with fruit. Much of this locally-grown, garden fresh produce comes directly to Paya Bay's kitchen, and, shortly after, unto dishes served to our guests. Fresh fruit and veggies are so tasty; they are also as chock-full of vitamins and other vital nutrients as they can possibly be. Thank you, Dad, for your beautiful, much-appreciated support.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras. Hey Ms. Lisa, this post is dedicated to you. Miss you so much, you twisted South African ray of sparkling light!
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras. Hey Ms. Lisa, this post is dedicated to you. Miss you so much, you twisted South African ray of sparkling light!
quote of the day
Nature never repeats herself, and the possibilities of one human soul will never be found in another.- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Friday, September 6, 2013
tribal beach party
Some images from last night's Tribal Beach Party on Bliss Beach. This weekly, Thursday night event begins with a "barefoot barbecue dinner" served on tables that sit right on the beach's cool sand. A performance by the Garífunas (see center photos) follows. A mystical seaside bonfire is another highlight of the evening. As the bonfire gently settles into colorful embers, the Milky Way takes over and does its nightly, millennial extravaganza in the sky above the beach.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras.
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