Photo courtesy of El Heraldo
"I'm happy and grateful now that our amazing Paya Bay is the most beautiful, most blissful, most environmentally friendly, and most financially successful boutique resort in Central America."
Monday, November 30, 2009
the president-elect: Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo
Photo courtesy of El Heraldo
Sunday, November 29, 2009
viva Honduras! viva Honduras! viva Honduras!
Today is election day. 4.6 million Hondurans are eligible to vote in what is without a doubt one of the most important elections ever in our nation's history. Today we are not only selecting a new president, a new congress, and new local officials, but we are also sending a message to the world. That message is that we love and cherish our democracy and our freedom. I'm hoping for a strong turnout as it will confirm to the international community that the silent majority of Hondurans has been supporting the courageous defenders of our democracy all along.
Photo courtesy of El Heraldo
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Micheletti: Chavez will not stop trying to boycott Honduran freedom
TEGUCIGALPA .- President Roberto Micheletti said today that the ruler of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, will not stop in his aim to "boycott" the freedom of Hondurans.
"Don Hugo Chávez is not going to stop, not now, not later, he will continue trying to boycott the right we Hondurans have to be free," said Mr. Micheletti to HRN radio.
Chavez's actions, according to Micheletti, will continue "through (Daniel) Ortega," the president of Nicaragua, whose government has closed the three land borders with Honduras for 48 hours for the elections tomorrow.
Chavez will also attempt to boycott Honduras "through any other leader of South American countries under his aegis," said Micheletti.
"They will continue, and faced with this, I say to Hondurans, let's go vote en masse, let's select a new president, but we must support him because there will be enormous influences trying to boycott the process and boycott precisely the new presidential mandate," he added.
"Don Hugo Chávez is not going to stop, not now, not later, he will continue trying to boycott the right we Hondurans have to be free," said Mr. Micheletti to HRN radio.
Chavez's actions, according to Micheletti, will continue "through (Daniel) Ortega," the president of Nicaragua, whose government has closed the three land borders with Honduras for 48 hours for the elections tomorrow.
Chavez will also attempt to boycott Honduras "through any other leader of South American countries under his aegis," said Micheletti.
"They will continue, and faced with this, I say to Hondurans, let's go vote en masse, let's select a new president, but we must support him because there will be enormous influences trying to boycott the process and boycott precisely the new presidential mandate," he added.
Translated from La Tribuna
Santos: if I win, I will withdraw Honduras from ALBA
Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The presidential candidate for the Liberal Party (PL), Elvin Santos said he will withdraw Honduras from the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas (ALBA) if he's elected at the polls this Sunday.
"I do not believe that (Honduras) should remain in the alliance because it has not been proven to have benefits for the country," Santos said in a press conference.
In fact, the accession of Honduras to the bloc championed by President Hugo Chávez "has created a huge problem that today has our society polarized," he said.
Honduras is part of the Alliance since August 2008, when then-deposed president Manuel Zelaya shifted to the left after being elected by the Liberal Party.
Translated from El Heraldo
The Honduran Liberal Party, despite its name, is actually a right of center party. Even though Elvin Santos is behind in the polls, this eleventh hour announcement could make fence-sitters decide to vote for him tomorrow. As a result of the nightmarish situation we've had to live through these past several months after Manuel Zelaya sold out to Hugo Chavez and attempted to force a socialist form of government on us, Hondurans have a strong aversion to ALBA and everything Chavez-related. This was a genius move by Mr. Santos.
Llorens: "Honduran electoral process has much legitimacy"
Tegucigalpa - The U.S. ambassador in Honduras, Hugo Llorens, said that the elections being held tomorrow in this Central American country "have much legitimacy."
Speaking to Radio America which broadcasts from Tegucigalpa, U.S. Ambassador Hugo Llorens said Sunday's general elections are legitimate because they were called before the June 28 removal from power of now former President Manuel Zelaya.
"We know that the Honduran electoral process has much legitimacy because it was launched long before 28 June," he said in his statements.
Llorens said that candidates who participate in the contest also are legitimate, as "they were chosen in primaries held last year."
The diplomat also recognized that all political parties participating in the elections "are democratic institutions with long trajectories in Honduras" and that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) "is an autonomous body from the Government and its magistrates were selected before 28 June. "
All this, he added, "gives the process a lot of legitimacy."
Translated from Proceso Digital
WashPost: U.S. position on Honduras is "correct"
Polls show that Hondurans are eager for the elections to occur. They have little taste for Mr. Zelaya, who embraced the leftist populism of Hugo Chávez while in office and was trying to follow the Venezuelan's model for dismantling democratic institutions. Last month, Mr. Zelaya accepted a U.S.-brokered deal that endorsed the elections while providing for the Honduran Congress to vote on whether to restore him to office for the remainder of his term. Yet when he was not immediately returned to power, Mr. Zelaya repudiated the plan. Now he and his supporters claim the election must be regarded as illegitimate, because Congress will not vote on his status until next week. Hondurans understandably wonder whether Mr. Zelaya's intention all along was to disrupt a democratic process that will send him to a well-deserved retirement.
Unfortunately, Mr. Zelaya has the backing not only of Mr. Chávez and his satellites but also of governments such as Brazil -- with which the Obama administration hoped to forge a regional partnership. The lesson of the Honduran crisis is that the United States cannot always pursue such multilateralism and also support democracy. Too many Latin American governments are more interested in backing leaders who share their political inclinations than in upholding the rule of law. While loudly denouncing the "coup" against Mr. Zelaya, they have ignored the rigging of elections and the violent suppression of opposition by fellow leftists. In rejecting their attempt to nullify Honduras's democratic vote this Sunday, the Obama administration has taken a relatively isolated stance -- and a correct one.
- Washington Post
the front-runner
Opinion polls in Honduras indicate conservative candidate Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo is the clear front-runner in Sunday's controversial presidential election.
Polls give Mr. Lobo of the opposition National Party a 16-point lead over Elvin Santos of the ruling Liberal Party, which ousted its own leader, Manuel Zelaya, as Honduran president in June.
Both Mr. Lobo and Mr. Santos support Mr. Zelaya's removal from power, a move that brought international isolation to the poor Central American nation.
Friday, November 27, 2009
"an election consistent with the constitutional mandate"
Latin American nations, so fearful of coups that they didn't stop to consider the facts, blundered in trying to bring the de facto government to its knees by kicking it out of the Organization of American States. When the Hondurans refused to bow to OAS pressure, the hemispheric body, led by its ham-handed secretary-general, José Miguel Insulza, was left with no negotiating leverage.
Only the United States responded with a calibrated approach, siding with the Latin American countries over how Zelaya was removed but being understanding enough to seek a mediated solution. For once, bipartisanship thrives. A group of Senate Republicans backed off from their blind thrashing at Chávez ghosts, and now the democracy institutes of both parties are sending election observers.
The elections were scheduled, the candidates were chosen and the electoral commission was appointed while Zelaya was still in office. As Assistant Secretary of State Arturo Valenzuela told an OAS commission this week, "this is an election consistent with the constitutional mandate to elect the president and Congress."
- Edward Schumacher-Matos, Washington Post
Germany comes to the good side
Berlin, Germany. The German parliament decided to recognize the Honduran elections and the president that emerges from them, while rejecting the "Chavista and undemocratic" attitude of deposed president Manuel Zelaya.
The two government parties, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Liberal (FDP), joined the Social Democrats (SPD) in rejecting two motions tabled by the opposition on Honduras.
The two government parties, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Liberal (FDP), joined the Social Democrats (SPD) in rejecting two motions tabled by the opposition on Honduras.
Translated from El Heraldo.
the sentiment in Honduras today
At the time of this post, according to El Heraldo's election countdown clock, there is only one day, eight hours, and 9 minutes remaining until polls open for the elections that will mark the beginning of a bright new future for Honduras.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Supreme Court: Zelaya must face justice before anything else
Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The Supreme Court of Honduras (CSJ) ratified that ousted president, Manuel Zelaya, cannot be reinstated unless he subjects himself to legal procedures that are still pending, reported a source from that body today.
In the opinion sent this week to the National Congress -- which on Dec. 2 will discuss whether or not to reinstate Zelaya -- the CSJ confirms the opinion it issued on Aug. 21 during the consultation process of the San Jose Agreement proposed by the president of Costa Rica, Óscar Arias, in his capacity as mediator of the crisis in Honduras.
A source at the CSJ told EFE that the opinion being sent to Congress, which ratifies the opinion issued in August, was approved last night by 14 of the 15 judges, but the source did not say who voted against or why.
In August the supreme court said in relation to the return of Zelaya to power, that "there are criminal actions filed (against him) by the Attorney General's Office," so that "while there are no other applicable legal dispositions, it cannot be avoided that Zelaya would have to submit to the procedures established in the criminal procedural law."
Zelaya has an arrest warrant for several crimes related to an illegal referendum he sought to hold on June 28 promoting a Constituent Assembly, the same day that the military arrested and expelled him from the country, and Parliament appointed Roberto Micheletti as President instead.
Translated from La Prensa
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
the anti-Chavez, anti-ALBA bloc
President Micheletti: "Insulza is a vile liar"
TEGUCIGALPA .- President Roberto Micheletti called the secretary general of the Organization of American States, Jose Miguel Insulza, a "vile liar."
"Don Jose Miguel Insulza is a liar -- a vile liar! He only serves (Venezuelan President Hugo) Chavez. He has no respect for small countries," Micheletti said Tuesday at a news conference after making an award to Venezuelan lawyer Álvaro Albornoz, who has written opinion columns in favor of the current government.
Micheletti said the OAS secretary offered to make no further opinion on the internal situation in Honduras, and "yet when he came with the committee of foreign ministers, he tried to re-impose Zelaya back in position."
He added that the refusal by the OAS to send observers to the elections on Sunday is against the offers made by Insulza at the meeting.
"He promised they would let the Honduran people construct a document that would take us to the electoral process transparently," he said.
Micheletti said if Insulza intends to renege on his commitments "we have him recorded, absolutely everything, and if he ever asks I'm going to show him what he said and what he offered."
"Don Jose Miguel Insulza is a liar -- a vile liar! He only serves (Venezuelan President Hugo) Chavez. He has no respect for small countries," Micheletti said Tuesday at a news conference after making an award to Venezuelan lawyer Álvaro Albornoz, who has written opinion columns in favor of the current government.
Micheletti said the OAS secretary offered to make no further opinion on the internal situation in Honduras, and "yet when he came with the committee of foreign ministers, he tried to re-impose Zelaya back in position."
He added that the refusal by the OAS to send observers to the elections on Sunday is against the offers made by Insulza at the meeting.
"He promised they would let the Honduran people construct a document that would take us to the electoral process transparently," he said.
Micheletti said if Insulza intends to renege on his commitments "we have him recorded, absolutely everything, and if he ever asks I'm going to show him what he said and what he offered."
Translated from La Tribuna
Honduran Elections and President Micheletti
By Dr. Álvaro Felipe Albornoz P.
Some corrupt communist governments have signaled that they will not recognize the general elections to be held next November 29, 2009 in Honduras because they believe they are being conducted under an alleged "dictatorship" or "de facto government," and argue that former President Zelaya must be returned to power to allow the electoral process to have legitimacy.
These arguments are absurd, incomprehensible and violate international law standards and reveal the true intentions of these evil and macabre beings.
First, for the first time in history we are in presence of an alleged "dictatorship" that since it took office has proclaimed that it would only remain until January 2010, the date that marks the end of the corresponding constitutional period. Also, for first time we observe that a "dictatorship" that since assuming power, continues to organize the electoral process convened under the previous presidency and assigns financial resources to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the political parties to enable normal development of the democratic event, resources which were denied and not delivered by former President Zelaya, who the "blind foreigners" consider a democrat.
As if that was not enough, President Micheletti has repeatedly offered his resignation, if that would help resolve the political conflict. What kind of dictator does this? Furthermore, on 19 November, at a press conference, President Micheletti said he would temporarily step down from the exercise of his functions from November 25 to December 2, to generate more international confidence in the electoral process. We again ask ourselves: What dictator does this?
These arguments are absurd, incomprehensible and violate international law standards and reveal the true intentions of these evil and macabre beings.
First, for the first time in history we are in presence of an alleged "dictatorship" that since it took office has proclaimed that it would only remain until January 2010, the date that marks the end of the corresponding constitutional period. Also, for first time we observe that a "dictatorship" that since assuming power, continues to organize the electoral process convened under the previous presidency and assigns financial resources to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the political parties to enable normal development of the democratic event, resources which were denied and not delivered by former President Zelaya, who the "blind foreigners" consider a democrat.
As if that was not enough, President Micheletti has repeatedly offered his resignation, if that would help resolve the political conflict. What kind of dictator does this? Furthermore, on 19 November, at a press conference, President Micheletti said he would temporarily step down from the exercise of his functions from November 25 to December 2, to generate more international confidence in the electoral process. We again ask ourselves: What dictator does this?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Micheletti to temporarily step down Nov. 24 - Dec. 2
Honduran President Roberto Micheletti will temporarily step down from power in the days surrounding the scheduled November 29 presidential election, Micheletti said in a speech [on Nov. 19].
Micheletti said he hopes that by stepping down from November 24 to December 2, Hondurans will focus on the election and not the political crisis that has gripped the country since [the ouster of] Jose Manuel Zelaya in June.
Micheletti's cabinet will head the government during his absence, he said. In the event that "peace is threatened" near the election, Micheletti said he would immediately reassume his role as president.
Source: CNN
reasons for the U.S.'s 180 degree shift on Honduras
- The State Department ascertained that institutional support in Honduras for the removal and arrest of Zelaya was practically unanimous and remained firm, despite the sanctions and the cancellation of visas. The legislative and judicial branches, the churches, the army and, according to polls, 80 percent of the population preferred to see Zelaya away from power.
- The report from the legal department of the Library of Congress about Zelaya's removal, requested by a legislator, left no margin for doubt: Zelaya had been separated from his post and replaced by Micheletti in accordance with Honduran legislation. To expel him from the country surely was illegal (perhaps they might have put him in jail) but to demand his restitution was tantamount to asking Hondurans to break the law.
- The new government of Honduras had skillfully transferred the debate to the bosom of U.S. society through Republican representatives and senators, and the Obama administration was paying a political price at home for maintaining an antidemocratic stance that was contrary to the interests and values of the American people.
- Circulating through the State Department were two pages compiled by U.S. intelligence that listed the purported crimes and complicities of Zelaya's most intimate entourage with drug trafficking and corruption. It made no sense for Washington to join that side while it maintained in Honduras the Palmerola military base, which presumably was dedicated to watching and combatting activities akin to those of the relatives and friends of its controversial protégé.
- Nor did it make sense to give artificial life-support to a regime that openly militated in the camp of Hugo Chávez, a political family allied with Iran. By associating with Iran and supporting Teheran in its development of nuclear weapons, Chávez, who until recently was classified as a colorful nuisance, became a dangerous enemy.
Source: Miami Herald
international election observers arriving
Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Authorities of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) confirmed that around 350 international observers have started arriving in the country to ensure transparency of the general elections.
The presence of personalities such as former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo and [former Salvadoran President]Francisco Flores has been confirmed.
The TSE announced that it expects the presence of more than six thousand domestic and 350 international observers who will monitor the process to be held on Sunday.
The presence of personalities such as former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo and [former Salvadoran President]Francisco Flores has been confirmed.
The TSE announced that it expects the presence of more than six thousand domestic and 350 international observers who will monitor the process to be held on Sunday.
Translated from
the U.S. stands by Honduras
Sao Paulo, Brazil. The United States rejected any interventionist measure in Honduras to postpone the general elections of November 29 as requested by the Brazilian government with the intention of restoring former President Manuel Zelaya.
According to the Brazilian press, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, Vera Machado, asked her U.S. counterpart, William Burns, for support to pressure the current government to delay by two weeks the presidential elections in Honduras, in order to reinstate the dismissed president.
"The idea of the Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim was postponing the elections so that supporters of President Zelaya and interim President, Roberto Michelleti, could reach an agreement to reinstate Zelaya in power. The United States did nothing about this request because it is not considered a viable choice," said newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo.
U.S. Undersecretary for Latin America, Arturo Valenzuela, said yesterday before the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States, that the current process "is an election consistent with the constitutional mandate to renew the presidential and congressional mandates" and they are not "an invention of a government in search of an exit or a way to clean a coup."
According to the Brazilian press, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, Vera Machado, asked her U.S. counterpart, William Burns, for support to pressure the current government to delay by two weeks the presidential elections in Honduras, in order to reinstate the dismissed president.
"The idea of the Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim was postponing the elections so that supporters of President Zelaya and interim President, Roberto Michelleti, could reach an agreement to reinstate Zelaya in power. The United States did nothing about this request because it is not considered a viable choice," said newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo.
U.S. Undersecretary for Latin America, Arturo Valenzuela, said yesterday before the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States, that the current process "is an election consistent with the constitutional mandate to renew the presidential and congressional mandates" and they are not "an invention of a government in search of an exit or a way to clean a coup."
Monday, November 23, 2009
2,000 iguanas
That's how many iguanas call Roatan's Iguana Farm home. "Farm" is actually a misnomer as the iguanas are not harvested in any way. The farm serves as a refuge for these interesting reptiles, which over multiple generations in this protected location have become completely fearless of humans. The abundant food supply results in huge iguanas, with some measuring as much as five feet from tip to tip.
A unique and memorable experience. I recommend it for visitors to our island.
A unique and memorable experience. I recommend it for visitors to our island.
quote of the day
Lawdy, Lawdy Jah... Wah ah gon do now?
- Overheard from an island youngster this past weekend in West End, Roatan.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Today's my birthday. My sweet mom baked me a birthday cake. I love her clever approach to putting text in icing!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Kelly: Dec. 2 congressional vote not inconsistent with agreement
Washington, United States. The decision by the Honduran Congress to vote on the return of Manuel Zelaya until after the elections of November 29 does not contradict the agreement reached to resolve the political crisis, said the spokesman of U.S. State Department, Ian Kelly.
"Since the agreement does not set deadlines for this vote by Congress, holding the vote on December 2 is not necessarily inconsistent with the agreement," said Kelly told reporters.
Meanwhile the U.S. envoy to Honduras, Craig Kelly, reiterated on Wednesday [U.S.] support for the elections of 29 November as "part of the solution" to the crisis.
According to the U.S. envoy, "no one has the right to take away from the Honduran people the right to vote and elect their leaders."
Translated from El Heraldo
that Mary!
Angelina Jolie & Maria Alejandra Sanchez
My friend Maria Alejandra sent me this photo today. She moved to the Los Angeles, California area about a year ago, where she works with disadvantaged children. As we can see, the work she's doing in California is resulting in her rubbing elbows with some very interesting people.
Maria Alejandra and I were classmates at Mazapan School in La Ceiba, Honduras (Class of 89). She and several friends were involved in a tragic car accident a few weeks before we graduated. One of our friends died, Maria broke her back, and some of the other passengers had substantial injuries. Maria battled back heroically for years through physical and psychological hurdles (she was the [sober] driver). She now holds a Master's degree in psychology from an American university, and is doing very rewarding work with extremely less fortunate kids. I'm so proud of her. I celebrate her bright light.
CNN factoid: Maria Alejandra and I were voted Most Likely to Succeed by our senior class.
CNN factoid 2: We both follow The Secret.
quotable quote
I believe that a person who has been acting as he did no longer has the moral authority to be the president of the nation.
- Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, referring to Manuel Zelaya.
I agree with the cardinal 100%. Once Humpty Dumpty is broken, that's it. He can't be put back together again. Once you've lost the trust of your people, you can no longer be their leader.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Congress to decide Zelaya's reinstatement (or not) on Dec. 2
Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Congressional president, Jose Alfredo Saavedra, called congressional deputies today to a session set for December 2 to decide on the return or not to power of ousted president Manuel Zelaya.
"We have decided, along with my other colleagues on the [Congressional] Board, to formalize the call for a full session on December 2 to address the item relating to point 5 of the Tegucigalpa-San Jose [Agreement]," Saavedra told HRN radio.
Saavedra said that "each member is at liberty to vote, to reason any decision based on what they believe is best for Honduras."
The Tegucigalpa-San Jose Agreement signed between Zelaya and President Roberto Micheletti left to the Legislature the decision on the return [or not] of the former president.
It also specifies that this state power can request non-binding opinions on the subject from any state institutions it deems appropriate.
"We have decided, along with my other colleagues on the [Congressional] Board, to formalize the call for a full session on December 2 to address the item relating to point 5 of the Tegucigalpa-San Jose [Agreement]," Saavedra told HRN radio.
Saavedra said that "each member is at liberty to vote, to reason any decision based on what they believe is best for Honduras."
The Tegucigalpa-San Jose Agreement signed between Zelaya and President Roberto Micheletti left to the Legislature the decision on the return [or not] of the former president.
It also specifies that this state power can request non-binding opinions on the subject from any state institutions it deems appropriate.
Translated from El Heraldo
Note that December 2 is three days after the November 29 elections.
Honduran institutions are executing the provisions of the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Agreement even though Manuel Zelaya (in typical fashion) announced he was backtracking from his commitment to the agreement days after signing it. Honduran government officials have stated the signed agreement was final and it does not allow either party to renounce it.
the Honduran "cyber" street
The question: Do you think the former President Zelaya's decision to give up on his return to power will benefit the country? (Yes ("Si") or No).
the good energy tree
Located on the seaside path to Secret Cove and near Lagoon Aqua, the Good Energy Tree is something that can only be found in special places like Paya Bay. The tree is a reservoir of good energy. If you have extra good energy, you can hug the tree and leave some of your energy with it. If you are needing some good energy, you can hug it and get a charge.
Monday, November 16, 2009
why Americans were so ecstatic about Tegucigalpa-San jose
A few posts back I made an observation about how extremely happy usually stoic American diplomats seemed to be about Zelaya's signing of the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accord. At the time I attributed it to American bravado. While there was probably some of that on display, as the days have gone by another reason for this American revelry is becoming clearer.
In the chess game that is international diplomacy, the Americans pulled a fast one on Hugo Chavez. They got Chavez's puppet, Manuel Zelaya, to sign an agreement that has no requirement to reinstate him in power. While Americans can continue to make flowery, politically-correct statements like "We think Zelaya should be reinstated," the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accord has no provision to automatically provide for this reinstatement. It leaves the decision of Zelaya's reinstatement or not to the Honduran Congress. Even in the remote chance the National Congress were to approve Zelaya's reinstatement, any citizen can appeal that decision on constitutional grounds to the Supreme Court, delaying a reinstatement for the time it would take the legal process to run its course. The odds that a Supreme Court that ruled unanimously to remove Zelaya from power would make a 180 degree turn and rule to reinstate him are virtually nil. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking, the elections will be held, and Zelaya becomes ever more irrelevant with each passing day in his Brazilian rat nest. As a good friend of mine from Atlanta would say, "Stick a fork in Zelaya. He's done."
Brilliant stuff. This causes one to take a fresh new look at Hillary Clinton's State Department. Combined with the recent signing of the base-sharing agreement with Colombia, one can see that the United States is on the offensive against Hugo Chavez. I would say the Venezuelan tyrant's days are numbered, and he knows it.
In the chess game that is international diplomacy, the Americans pulled a fast one on Hugo Chavez. They got Chavez's puppet, Manuel Zelaya, to sign an agreement that has no requirement to reinstate him in power. While Americans can continue to make flowery, politically-correct statements like "We think Zelaya should be reinstated," the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accord has no provision to automatically provide for this reinstatement. It leaves the decision of Zelaya's reinstatement or not to the Honduran Congress. Even in the remote chance the National Congress were to approve Zelaya's reinstatement, any citizen can appeal that decision on constitutional grounds to the Supreme Court, delaying a reinstatement for the time it would take the legal process to run its course. The odds that a Supreme Court that ruled unanimously to remove Zelaya from power would make a 180 degree turn and rule to reinstate him are virtually nil. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking, the elections will be held, and Zelaya becomes ever more irrelevant with each passing day in his Brazilian rat nest. As a good friend of mine from Atlanta would say, "Stick a fork in Zelaya. He's done."
Brilliant stuff. This causes one to take a fresh new look at Hillary Clinton's State Department. Combined with the recent signing of the base-sharing agreement with Colombia, one can see that the United States is on the offensive against Hugo Chavez. I would say the Venezuelan tyrant's days are numbered, and he knows it.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
single world travelers
Michael Gauthier, who plans to visit us here at Paya starting in mid-December has his own social network site called Single World Travelers. Pretty nifty, Michael!
honduran elections: the mules of democracy
Going where all-terrain vehicles can't go, the Honduran armed forces use some 17 mules to take election materials to the most remote corners of the country. This is a very beautiful expression of democracy.
Photos: El Heraldo
Photos: El Heraldo
has Zelaya thrown in the towel?
I do not accept any agreement that returns me to the presidency.
- Manuel Zelaya, in a rambling, grammatically compromised, five-page letter to U.S. President Barack Obama.
A political agreement was Zelaya's only way out of the dingy Brazilian embassy (or as Hondurans call it disparagingly, Hotel Brazil - "You can check-in any time you like, But you can never leave!"). If he's not going to "accept any agreement" then the show is basically over. So ironic how a man who often made derisive statements directed at the much-maligned "Imperio Yankii" is now reporting his "decisions" the U.S. President. Who's your daddy now, Zelaya?
Keep in mind, however, that this schizo changes his mind hourly; anything he "states" is basically worthless. Regardless, this shows that reality is starting to sink in to his addled head. No Honduran institution supports Zelaya's reinstatement to the presidency and neither do the vast majority of the Honduran people. That's what happens when you attempt to destroy the Constitution you were elected to uphold; you break your country's laws and ignore its courts; and you try to force on your people a form of government (Fidel's "21st century socialism" bullcrap) they simply do not want. To end up abandoned, alone, powerless, and holed up in a cramped, ratty foreign embassy is proof that karmic justice has been meted out to this alleged traitor.
Zelaya lost the support of sane members of the international community when he reneged on the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accord days after signing it. The death knell was Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon's statement that "the U.S. would recognize the Honduran elections with or without Zelaya's reinstatement." In other words, Zelaya does not matter.
I'm cautiously optimistic that we are now contemplating the last few paragraphs of the Manuel Zelaya chapter of Honduran history. A dark chapter, indeed, but a chapter that highlighted to the world what a brave and heroic people Hondurans are. A strong message has been boldly written on world consciousness: Don't Mess with Honduras. Don't mess with our democracy, and — especially — don't mess with our freedom.
Thanks, American friends. You were there for us in the end. Honduran patriots won't soon forget that.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
picacho peaks
A view at dusk of the Picacho Hills from Paya Bay.

A view of the hills during a rainstorm.
These beautiful peaks, the highest on Roatan, are located in the Port Royal Wildlife Refuge. The forested acres that make up this refuge are a vital replenisher of ground water for eastern end of the island. There is a problem, however. Some of the people who own land adjacent to the park have encroached and are still encroaching on park territory. If this continues the park will dwindle and eventually disappear as developers go after this choice land. Something has to be done. An acre of "bush land" (forested land) in this pristine area of Roatan can be bought for about $15-20K (given current market conditions). It would be awesome for an environmental NGO with deep pockets to purchase the acreage on the perimeter of the wildlife refuge in order to create a buffer zone to protect it from encroachment. Right now is a great time to pursue this. People are hurting financially and are motivated to sell. It anyone "knows anyone" or otherwise has a suggestion on how to protect this beautiful wild area of Roatan, please leave a comment or contact me.
living in the magic of life
They so get it! These two beautiful animals totally get what Paya Bay is all about. I see it in the interest they take in all the natural beauty around them. Near Lagoon Aqua, Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Honduras.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Gen. Vasquez: security will be redoubled election day
Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The chief of the Armed Forces of Honduras, General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, assured officials of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) that security will be redoubled on the day of the electoral process.
In a meeting between the Junta of Commanders and authorities of the TSE, the military leader said the police and armed forces have created a plan to dismantle all those wishing to boycott the elections.
Vasquez Velasquez said that "one must take all measures, based on pertinent investigations, so that people who are committing electoral crimes are brought to justice."
In a meeting between the Junta of Commanders and authorities of the TSE, the military leader said the police and armed forces have created a plan to dismantle all those wishing to boycott the elections.
Vasquez Velasquez said that "one must take all measures, based on pertinent investigations, so that people who are committing electoral crimes are brought to justice."
Translated from Proceso Digital
scared sh_tless
Chavez makes a speech in front of a huge anti-American sign.
Caracas, Venezuela. Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez reiterated on Friday his attacks on Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, whose government he called a "lackey" and "sellout" while he called again on the Venezuelan military to defend the country.
"It's not Colombia that is threatening Venezuela, neither do we say that Colombia is a threat to Venezuela. (...) The American empire is the threat to Venezuela and is using Colombian territory that has been facilitated for this task by the submissive and lackey government of Uribe," said Chavez.
Translated from El Heraldo
Hugo Chavez is a paranoid coward. He's obviously scared sh_tless by the base-sharing treaty Colombia just signed with the U.S. One of the reasons he is trying so hard to make his puppet, Manuel Zelaya, president for life in Honduras is to get rid of the American airbase here. Now the thing he fears most -- the mighty American military -- is moving next door to him. (The Law of Attraction at work.)
Chavez pushed the Americans too far, now they are pushing back. It's fascinating to watch the removal of this hysterical yet dangerous little tyrant unfold. It must be terribly unnerving for him to know he's in the gun-sights of the world's most powerful military. Every little twig that snaps must make Hugo jump four feet in the air.
A Western Hemisphere free of Hugo Chavez will certainly be a great thing. Every Honduran patriot who has experienced the ordeal Chavez put our country through these past several months can vouch for that. He doesn't have to be killed (I want to clarify that I'm not suggesting that), but Hugo Chavez has to go.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
supreme court to deliver its opinion next week
Tegucigalpa - The plenary of the Supreme Court postponed until next week the delivery of an opinion of that state power on the reinstatement or not of former President Manuel Zelaya.
In a meeting called for on Wednesday, the judges decided to form a special commission to put together the opinion that was requested by the National Congress.
The opinion, though not binding, will assist legislators in defining whether or not to proceed with Zelaya's restitution in office.
In a meeting called for on Wednesday, the judges decided to form a special commission to put together the opinion that was requested by the National Congress.
The opinion, though not binding, will assist legislators in defining whether or not to proceed with Zelaya's restitution in office.
Translated from Proceso Digital
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
quote of the day
Ecua... WHO?
- Jerry (commenter on La Tribuna) reacting to the report that Ecuador's Rafael Correa administration will not recognize the winner of the upcoming Honduran elections if Correa's ALBA buddy, Manuel Zelaya, is not reinstated.
ALBA countries fail to get OAS to not recognize elections
The representatives of the countries of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) in the Assembly of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) "could not" formalize any official position on the return of former President Manuel Zelaya nor together reach agreement to prevent recognition of the general election next November 29.
The assessor and overseer of the United Nations (UN), John Anderson Reed, reiterated that after the UN indicated that the OAS should continue to address the case of Honduras, former President Zelaya "has lost his power" to win support to achieve a possible reinstatement as was "required" by these organizations 24 and 48 hours after being dismissed under Honduran law.
"It is all decided and the international community publicly accepted that whatever decision the sovereign National Congress makes in relation to the reinstatement or not of Manuel Zelaya, they will support and recognize the general elections in Honduras. This was demonstrated in the Security Council meeting This Tuesday, "said Anderson to Hondudiario.
He added that this past Tuesday, "the ALBA countries in the OAS attempted to turns their backs on the electoral process in Honduras, but could not even agree on a joint statement."
The assessor and overseer of the United Nations (UN), John Anderson Reed, reiterated that after the UN indicated that the OAS should continue to address the case of Honduras, former President Zelaya "has lost his power" to win support to achieve a possible reinstatement as was "required" by these organizations 24 and 48 hours after being dismissed under Honduran law.
"It is all decided and the international community publicly accepted that whatever decision the sovereign National Congress makes in relation to the reinstatement or not of Manuel Zelaya, they will support and recognize the general elections in Honduras. This was demonstrated in the Security Council meeting This Tuesday, "said Anderson to Hondudiario.
He added that this past Tuesday, "the ALBA countries in the OAS attempted to turns their backs on the electoral process in Honduras, but could not even agree on a joint statement."
Translated from
views of Big Beach
Views of Big Beach from the main deck at Paya Bay Resort. Four fifths of this beach is part of the Paya Bay property.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
remembering the fall of the Berlin Wall: Nov. 9, 1989
11:20 p.m.: Border guards at the Bornholmer Strasse crossing could no longer hold back the crowds of East Germans who wanted to cross over into the West. One guard tried to close a barrier that had been pushed open, but it was too late.
This Spiegel photo gallery is excellent. Photo and source:
Monday, November 9, 2009
a new discovery
I've been led to a new place here at Paya Bay. I don't understand it completely yet, but it is undoubtedly a very important place. The energy flow is unlike anything I've experienced before.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
beautiful wildlife
A regal white heron snacks on crustaceans in the Wetlands Reserve. Paya Bay Resort, Roatan, Honduras.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
majestic rocks
Many of the rock formations at Paya Bay have incredible character. The larger of these two boulders is about 7 feet tall. This pair will be viewable from the Sky Trail, currently under construction. Paya Bay Resort, Roatan Honduras.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Paya Bay's top 2009 accomplishments
A new plunge pool (yes, a new pool!), a new 46-foot pleasure boat (yes, a new boat!), a "jungle gym," and even a new swimming lagoon are among some of the improvements we made at Paya Bay Resort this past year. In all, we've made over $150,000 worth of enhancements to the resort these past twelve months.
Mr. Jim is in the house
Lucy and Jim
Last year, our friend and repeat client, Jim's, arrival marked the beginning of the high season at Paya Bay Resort. We fully expect the same to be the case this year.
Ms. Ida's in the 'hood
The center of tropical depression Ida is forecasted to enter Honduran territory from Nicaragua today. As it moves north, the storm is expected to remain well to the east of the Bay Islands, but should be the source of some much-needed rain.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
quote of the day
Secretary Clinton and Assistant Secretary Shannon have assured me that the US will recognize the outcome of the Honduran elections regardless of whether Manuel Zelaya is reinstated. I take our administration at their word that they will now side with the Honduran people and end their focus on the disgraced Zelaya.
- U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R, SC).
the paya trail on a drizzly day
A walk on the Paya Trail is a favorite activity of many of our guests. The lush nature and the rugged beauty will awaken your senses and lift your spirits. Paya Bay Resort, Roatan Honduras.
quote of the day
I believe that restitution is not possible because that would mean Congress accepts that what occurred on June 28 was a disruption of the constitutional order -- what is commonly called a coup d'etat -- which would require legal action against the very same congressional deputies.
- Óscar García, President of the Honduran Bar Association
Garcia added that "Congress can resolve a reinstatement or not, but any citizen can initiate a legal recourse against the congressional decision in the Department of Justice or the Supreme Court. Ultimately it will be the Supreme Court that has the last word, because if they declare unconstitutional anything resolved by Congress, no matter what the resolution is, it will be annulled. It is therefore important to listen to both the Department of Justice and the Supreme Court because in the end everything will end up there."
The Supreme Court will strongly adhere to the Constitution. There will be no restitution. It's simple: if you break the law (multiple times), and refuse to obey the courts, you don't get to be president. Zelaya is S.O.L.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
the question of the hour
Few people in Honduras have a better understanding of what is at stake than this man. Few people know all the candidates better than he does. A proven patriot, I'm certain Mr. Micheletti will support the man he thinks is best up for the challenge irregardless of that candidate's political party. These are historic circumstances. Evil has been heroically pushed out of the door, but it is still lurking not far beyond our borders. We need a leader in Honduras from the same mold as Mr. Micheletti. A man of strong democratic convictions and moral fortitude. A man strong enough to take on formidable adversaries. A patriot who truly loves this country, and is thus shielded from the insidious spell of Chavez's corrupting narcopetrodollars.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
an analysis of the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Agreement
Background. Dr. Alvaro Albornoz has a doctorate in constitutional law. What follows is a portion of his analysis of the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Agreement:
[...] On the point concerning the head of the Executive, the parties recognize the legitimacy of Congress, as the representative of popular sovereignty, to be who determines the political future of Honduras. That is, congressional deputies must first consult the Supreme Court and other bodies such as the Attorney General, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the Commissioner of Human Rights, so that these entities may issue reports on the legality what happened on June 28. After receiving these reports, the Congress should meet and discuss under the law and the Constitution of Honduras, whether or not Mr. Zelaya is reinstated as President of the Republic. The Agreement clearly shows that Congress is not obligated to reinstate Zelaya or roll back the political situation. Congress should examine the reports of the other State agencies, which must ratify what has already been indicated as to the constitutionality of the presidential succession, and then validate or confirm its decision reached on 28 June.
This will be a historic session for Honduras and the world, where the deputies will give a lesson in civics and democracy to other nations, especially those ruled by corrupt despots. Voting should be compulsory, public, oral, and individual. Each deputy must loudly, fully identified with his name and political party to which he or she belongs and in front of television cameras, say if he votes in favor of the dignity and democracy to his people or betrays them instead and sells his country to international communism and drug trafficking. That vote should be based on personal conscience and not money. The people will watch and know who to charge electorally for any treason. Congressional deputies will have to demonstrate publicly their honor and decency.
It is important to highlight that Congress has no time limit for making this important decision, therefore with the administrative steps of prior consultations, this meeting may occur long after the general elections that will be recognized by the international community and which may not be suspended or blocked.
Furthermore, in no line or paragraph of the Agreement can one find the words "coup d'etat," thus tacitly acknowledging -- and I would even say explicitly acknowledging -- that there was no coup. The wording merely tries to calm the rudeness of international communists who do not understand how genuine rule of law with real independence of powers works.
[...] On the point concerning the head of the Executive, the parties recognize the legitimacy of Congress, as the representative of popular sovereignty, to be who determines the political future of Honduras. That is, congressional deputies must first consult the Supreme Court and other bodies such as the Attorney General, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the Commissioner of Human Rights, so that these entities may issue reports on the legality what happened on June 28. After receiving these reports, the Congress should meet and discuss under the law and the Constitution of Honduras, whether or not Mr. Zelaya is reinstated as President of the Republic. The Agreement clearly shows that Congress is not obligated to reinstate Zelaya or roll back the political situation. Congress should examine the reports of the other State agencies, which must ratify what has already been indicated as to the constitutionality of the presidential succession, and then validate or confirm its decision reached on 28 June.
This will be a historic session for Honduras and the world, where the deputies will give a lesson in civics and democracy to other nations, especially those ruled by corrupt despots. Voting should be compulsory, public, oral, and individual. Each deputy must loudly, fully identified with his name and political party to which he or she belongs and in front of television cameras, say if he votes in favor of the dignity and democracy to his people or betrays them instead and sells his country to international communism and drug trafficking. That vote should be based on personal conscience and not money. The people will watch and know who to charge electorally for any treason. Congressional deputies will have to demonstrate publicly their honor and decency.
It is important to highlight that Congress has no time limit for making this important decision, therefore with the administrative steps of prior consultations, this meeting may occur long after the general elections that will be recognized by the international community and which may not be suspended or blocked.
Furthermore, in no line or paragraph of the Agreement can one find the words "coup d'etat," thus tacitly acknowledging -- and I would even say explicitly acknowledging -- that there was no coup. The wording merely tries to calm the rudeness of international communists who do not understand how genuine rule of law with real independence of powers works.
Shannon: both Zelaya and Micheletti committed to respect the decision Congress makes on Zelaya's restitution
Since signing the [Tegucigalpa-San Jose] agreement, the group aligned with former President Zelaya has pressured and tried to confuse the Honduran people by stating that the international community would not accept or validate the elections if Zelaya is not returned to power.
The former president demanded that Congress act responsibly "without dirty tricks" and delays in order to restore him as soon as possible as president, summed up the AP.
Shannon himself repeated that "(both Zelaya and Micheletti) have committed to respect the decision of Congress" and, in that sense, so will the U.S.
The Honduran Congress has the task of defining the subject of the agreement concerning the possible return of Zelaya to power. Congress may also decide not to reinstate him.
The Agreement also commits the parties to respect and recognize the electoral process in November and the officials that are elected.
Shannon said the United States and the international community will support the electoral process. The Organization of American States (OAS) has also expressed willingness to send a commission of observers to validate the November elections.
The former president demanded that Congress act responsibly "without dirty tricks" and delays in order to restore him as soon as possible as president, summed up the AP.
Shannon himself repeated that "(both Zelaya and Micheletti) have committed to respect the decision of Congress" and, in that sense, so will the U.S.
The Honduran Congress has the task of defining the subject of the agreement concerning the possible return of Zelaya to power. Congress may also decide not to reinstate him.
The Agreement also commits the parties to respect and recognize the electoral process in November and the officials that are elected.
Shannon said the United States and the international community will support the electoral process. The Organization of American States (OAS) has also expressed willingness to send a commission of observers to validate the November elections.
Translated from El Heraldo
Monday, November 2, 2009
Zelaya backpedaling
Deposed president Manuel Zelaya is obligated to accept the decision of Congress on his reinstatement even if the decision is to not reinstate him, assured the committee that negotiated and signed the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Agreement on behalf of president Roberto Micheletti. "We all accepted that the decision is binding whatever it is," said Arturo Corrales, a Micheletti negotiator.
Micheletti representatives rejected the assertion by Zelaya that both committees requested Congress approve his restitution, or that the agreement makes any recommendation to that effect. "In no paragraph, either directly or indirectly can it be deduced that we make any proposals one way or another to Congress," said Corrales.
Micheletti representatives rejected the assertion by Zelaya that both committees requested Congress approve his restitution, or that the agreement makes any recommendation to that effect. "In no paragraph, either directly or indirectly can it be deduced that we make any proposals one way or another to Congress," said Corrales.
Translated from La Tribuna
One again we see Manuel Zelaya trying to backpedal on his commitments. Now he's saying that if Congress votes to not reinstate him (which is very likely), he will declare the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Agreement broken. How this piece of human trash ended up as president of a country is beyond comprehension. His "word" is worthless. That is exactly why he could never be given the reigns of power again.
O'Grady: despised Llorens should be reassigned to Havana
If there is one person in Honduras who is more despised these days than deposed president Manuel Zelaya it is a foreigner who goes by the name of Hugo. We refer here not to the Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez but to U.S. Ambassador Hugo Llorens.
Many Hondurans, including, rumor has it, President Roberto Micheletti, see Mr. Llorens as the principal architect of a U.S. policy that has caused enormous Honduran hardship.
The need to dictate to Hondurans how to run their country has been the problem from the start. The moment the Honduran Supreme Court ordered the arrest of Mr. Zelaya in June for organizing mob violence and attempting to overthrow the constitution Mr. Llorens anointed himself colonial viceroy in charge of imposing U.S. will. Plenty of Molotov-hurling leftists also took Mr. Zelaya's side. But Mr. Llorens staked out a position for the U.S., defending the legitimacy of the erratic former president. The U.S. ambassador used every weapon he could lay his hands on to try to force the country to restore Mr. Zelaya to power.
By signing this agreement, Honduras helped Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton save face. In return, Mrs. Clinton should tell Mr. Insulza to stay out of the country and its affairs. She should also tell U.S. officials to cease and desist with their pro-Zelaya rumors. While she's at it, the secretary could reassign Mr. Llorens. Havana comes to mind as a suitable posting. He will be greeted as a hero by the Castros and will find it easy to continue his friendship with Mr. Zelaya.
Mary Anastasia O'Grady, Wall Street Journal
the orc is being investigated for corruption
The complaint of an alleged act of corruption that may involve former National Agrarian Institute (INA) authorities to favor former Foreign Minister Patricia Rodas in a land sale, is only the "tip of the iceberg" of the investigations being conducted in the High Court of Auditors (TSC).
Being investigated is whether Rodas bought 113 hectares of land in Vallecillo, Francisco Morazán province, from the INA for amount of 54.179 lempiras [USD 2,850], including administrative costs. Then during the Manuel Zelaya administration resold the hectares to the State for 3.5 million lempiras [USD 184,210].
Translated from El Heraldo
Sunday, November 1, 2009
political crisis is over, but the crazy continues
Manuel and Hector Zelaya.
Translated from Spain's La Vanguardia. Photo courtesy of La Prensa.
WOW! This explains so much, particularly why the U.S. has been so quiet since their initial perfunctory statements on the Honduran crisis. It also explains why the Americans have been so indifferent lately about Zelaya's reinstatement.
U.S. officials had this ace in their hands all along. They just waited until the crucial moment to twist Zelaya's arm. Obviously, this shows that the American government knows what Zelaya and his clan are all about, and that Obama administration officials understand why the Honduran institutions took the steps they did to remove him from power on June 28.
This is the final nail is Zelaya's coffin. There is no way he is going to be reinstated. The nightmare is officially over.
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