Wednesday, October 7, 2009

the Brazilian people are angry...

...and have started an online effort to pressure their government to remove Zelaya from their embassy in Tegucigalpa.

Fora Zelaya! Nossos compatriotas não querem ser envolvidos em conflitos que eles nunca buscaram, apenas porque o fanatismo ideológico de nossa diplomacia, para atender aos desígnios de Hugo Chávez, decidiu permitir que nossa embaixada fosse o quartel-general para organizar sua insurreição.

"Out Zelaya! Our countrymen do not want to be involved in conflicts that we never looked for, but are a result of the ideological fanaticism of our diplomacy, to serve the ambitions of Hugo Chávez, allowing our embassy to be used as headquarters for organizing your insurgency."

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